Privacy Policy
About Us
The Bad Bad Maria Directory (hereinafter referred to as Bad Bad Maria), entered in the domain is owned by Cátia Sofia Rodrigues ds Silva, with nif 219246688 and adress Rua Cesário Verde, nº 9, 1170 Lisboa. With her team of consultants, she has created this Directory so that you can access, in one place, to the best list of services and suppliers of destination wedding in Portugal.
About our content
The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of the contents of the page without prior written permission granted by Bad Bad Maria is prohibited for purposes other than strictly personal use. The use of the domain and / or the site for abusive purposes, and without prior authorization, is susceptible of recourse to the competent legal means by Bad Bad Maria.
About third party links
Through the Bad Bad Maria platform you can access the websites of the best providers of services for alternative weddings in Portugal. Bad Bad Maria is not responsible for the privacy statements and cookies of third party websites, and it is the responsibility of each user to consult them.
How do we collect personal information
Bad Bad Maria respects the privacy of its users, that is, of all the people that navigate in the site In this documents we explain how the Bad Bad Maria platform collects, processes and stores personal data (for example the name and e-mail) of the people (users) who browse the site ..
Whenever you browse our site, if you want to give us your data, by completing our forms, you must explicitly accept our Privacy and Cookies Policy. To receive our newsletter, you will also have to expressly accept our Privacy and Cookies Policy.
How do we take care of your data
After express authorization to collect your data, it is included in Bad Bad Maria's files for the purpose of promoting and disseminating information about products and services accordingly to Law no. 6/99, Law no. 41/2004 and of Directive 2002/58 / EC. The contact data collected shall be kept during the period in which the purpose for which the treatment was consented is verified or until the exercise of the right of opposition, rectification and erasure of the same is verified. We never give your data to third parties and we protect your data with security procedures (data encryption), limiting your access to the platform owner.However, it should be noted that no security or encryption method can guarantee complete information protection against hackers or human error.
Your rights as a user
Each user has the right, at all times, to access the retained data and to request it’s alteration or erasure. To do this, or for any communication that has to do with data protection, they should contact Bad Bad Maria through the following channels:
Subject: privacy
Letter: Rua Cesário Verde, nº 9, 1170 Lisboa
Your obligations as a user
The user is responsible for the accuracy of the reported data and should inform Bad Bad Maria of any changes regarding it.The use of this Site ( is subject to the conditions of use pre-defined by Bad Bad Maria (according to our Terms and Conditions), as sole and exclusive owner.
Through cookies (according to our Cookies Policy), after your consent, we can identify your navigation route within our site. The Bad Bad Maria Platform reserves the right to change its Privacy Policy without being warned the users of the site, so it is advisable to read it regularly.Privacy Policy updated on November 9, 2018.